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Where are they now?

Published on Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Department of Anesthesiology has always had such wonderful people who have contributed to make it what it is today. We would like to know what some of our colleagues and friends who have moved on are doing now and how UMMC played a role in their careers and lives. If you would like to be featured in future articles of the newsletter, please e-mail Sara Robertson at We would love to hear from you!

Dr. Nutt and Family

Joel Nutt, M.D.
Residency Class of 2015 and Pain Management Fellowship Class of 2016

Tell us about what you have been doing since you graduated from the residency program. What does your anesthesia practice look like? How did UMMC prepare you for your current career?
I've been practicing pain management since graduating from fellowship in 2016. My practice is outpatient based and focused on providing patients the best opportunity to live a full active life without suffering from chronic pain conditions. Interventional procedures are the focus of the practice and the cornerstone for treatment. UMMC residency and fellowship provided a great foundation for being in solo practice. The program provided not only an extensive education but also invaluable clinical experience.

What did you enjoy most about being a resident in this program?
I enjoyed working with the attendings, residents, and fellows most during my training at UMMC.

If you could give any advice to our current trainees, what would it be?
My advice to current trainees is to enjoy yourselves outside of work as much as possible. This will most likely be the last time in your life that your work colleagues have the same goals as you do. It's a unique circumstance that people outside of medicine do not get to experience.